Ephraim Media Truth™
AGB & License Agreements
Valid from 01.01.2020
Ephraim Media Truth™
Chief Content Performer:
Alexander Horn. 27, Processional Way, 33482 Harsewinkel
In cooperation with:
DreamStream LLC, Beverly Hills 90210, CA, USA
Represented by the CEO – Ulf Diebel
Since the end of 2019, products and services are offered for purchase under the name “Ephraim Media Truth™” and the domain https://dreamstream.info, which are subject to the following General Terms and Conditions and License Terms since 1.1.2020.
Table of Contents
- Definitions
- Legal Framework
- “The Bible”
- UN Res. 217
- In the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
- In Israel
- In the USA
- Vatican Canon Law
- Trademark Rights
- Name Rights
- Trading Rights
- Licenses
- Online
- Ephraim Certificate
- License “EPHI Center”
- License “Final Settlement Judgment”
- License “Truth Bond”
- License “Truth Reporter”
- License “Truth Foundation”
- Licence “Witness – Court Bond”
- Online
- Disclaimer
- Conciliation
- Office for Disputes
- Place of Jurisdiction
1. Definitions
Ephraim – Name of the son of Joseph and firstborn heir of Israel from Jeremiah 31.9;
Meaning of the word: “double fruitfullness”.
Media Truth – We claim to report “the truth” about Israel and want to counteract the one-sided reporting in the mainstream media with clearly structured and researched truth – Multi Medial in person and lectures, in publications, videos and our online activities, as a business model for the community of heirs of Jacob
Priest of the order of Melchizedek – job title of Ulf Diebel, following from Psalm 110 under the protection of the German Basic Law from 23.5.1949 GG Art 4, 9 & 140, UN Resolution 217 (1948), and the Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel (1993)
“Alive” Registration – registration form for the one-time registration with the priest of the order of Melchizedek as a basis for any further business relationship as an heir of Jacob and member of the Nation of Ephraim
Community of Jacob’s heirs – Union of individuals who believe in the promises in the Bible for a perfect restoration of Israel according to the Torah and the prophets. “Religious society” in the sense of the GG Art. 140 of 11.8.1919, belonging to the subject of international law “Nation of Ephraim”, represented in the UN by the Israeli ambassador to the UN Dany Danon (statement of 29.4.2019 before UN Security Council)
Final Settlement Judgment – Since 6.9.2018 Commercial, Final Judgment, under the 2+4 Agreement in force since 12.9.1990, on behalf of the people of Israel as the principal responsible of the Holy See SANTA SEDE
Truth Bond – tradable security for accredited Ephraim Media Truth Reporter™, based on the value of a certain “Final Settlement Judgment” and an original document with the licence for media coverage and publication under the Ephraim Media Truth™ label.
Truth Reporter – Accredited Ephraim Media Truth Reporter”
“Witness – Court Bond” – Ephraim Media Truth original document with SANTA SEDE court stamp as a negotiable security. The possession is considered as a witness summons for the final settlement in Jerusalem.
“Person” means any natural person, any collective trading community (such as the community of heirs of Jacob) and any legal entity under public or private law, legally capable of acquiring, using, controlling or disposing of property or property rights according to SHAEF Law No. 52 Articles 7 – 9)
2. Legal framework
Our terms of use are embedded in the internationally valid and recognized law.
- The Bible – is the “TOS” (Terms of Service) of the people of Israel, since 28.10.1965 and the dogmatic constitution DEI VERBUM, the Bible is established as the infallible Word of God for all people by the highest accepted authority Pontifex Maximus – “the Pope”.
- The UN Resolution 217 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10.12.1948 is the basis of the national laws of 193 UN states. Most important freedoms – You may change your opinion, place of residence, nationality and religion if new information becomes known to you and may freely practice any form of religion – including the religion of speaking the truth.
- DSGVO – the European Data Protection Basic Regulation has been a regulation since 25.5.2018 which allows every natural person to query his data, have it cleansed, or obtain compensation if personal data is misused. In principle, data may only be collected if a written permission is available, which is actually available from very few government agencies or Internet companies. Ephraim Media Truth™ complies with all the conditions of article 6 b-f of the Data Protection Act (DSGVO) to collect, process and share any form of personal data and explicitly exercises this right.
- The Basic Law (GG) of FRG (Federal Republic of Germany) is valid – “In the awareness of our responsibility towards God and the people” in which the international law directly creates rights and duties for all inhabitants of the country (GG Art 25). Ephraim Media Truth™ is conscious of its responsibility against God and all humans from the people of Israel in a completely special way and lives out this consciousness in the context of the free practice of religion (GG art 3, 4 and 140) also economically.
- Israel and the Holy See accepted UN Resolution 217 in 1993 through the Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel.
- The USA has distinguished itself in particular by the protection of the free practice of religion and works according to international commercial law, under which Ephraim Media Truth™ operates. Since 6 December 2017 “Jerusalem is the capital of Israel” has been in effect, and since 10 December 2019 the Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism for “Jews and Non-Jews” has been in effect. Terms of use of technology companies that attempt to technologically restrict the legally guaranteed freedoms are not binding for members of the community of heirs of Jacob and Ephraim Media Truth™.
- Vatican Canon Law SANTA SEDE – On 30.9.2019 the Moto Proprio Aperuit Illis was published – “He has opened”. On 26.1.2020 the new age of the living son of God “Word of God” destination Mount Zion began, officially declared by the Bishop of Rome Francis, who laid down all other titles as “historic”.
3. Trademark rights
Ephraim Media Truth™ uses trademark rights of enterprises, which are in the possession or under the economic control of the US company DreamStream LLC, or individuals from the community of heirs Jacob. The acquisition of an Ephraim Media Truth License™ does not affect the trademark rights of third parties. Integral contracting party for Ephraim Media Truth marks and licenses, as well as their account and legal protection is DreamStream LLC.
4. Copyrights
The copyright of original texts and photo recordings, as well as the right to the own person, remain with the author.
The copyright of the “Torah from Zion”, “Word from Jerusalem”, as well as the “WORD OF GOD” is owned by Ulf Diebel, priest according to the order Melchizedek.
The copyright to the “Final Judgment of the Apocalypse” is held by © Ephraim and the witnesses involved.
The use of personal data, original texts, photos, logos, copyright material of third parties is made by Ephraim Media Truth™ within the framework of the legally guaranteed collection of data for a © #NewDeal; a treaty binding under international law between the USA, Germany, the Vatican, the State of Israel of the Holy Scriptures (DEI VERBUM) in Jeremiah 31 between the peoples of Israel, represented by © Ephraim and Judah, represented by the Government of the State of Israel, the World Jewish Congress, the High Court of Israel. See DSGVO § 6
5. Trading rights
Property and the right of inheritance are guaranteed. GG Article 14
The basis for every contractual agreement, cooperation and further contracts is the life report to the priest according to the Melchizedek order (Acceptance GTC Torah and Prophets, according to EGBGB Art 2: Law).
The following applies to all contracting parties: In disputes arising among members of the Jacob heirs, the priest serves as mediator and judge in the highest instance according to the Melchizedek order, jurisdiction Jerusalem, Mount Zion.
6. Licenses
Licenses are usage agreements for a contractually agreed object – material in the form of a lease for a property, or intangible for the use of a software.
1. Online
Anyone who has a Google account (Gmail, YouTube, G-Suite, etc.) or a Facebook account is faced with a completely opaque “jumble” of agreements that serve exclusively the technology company.
Ephraim Media Truth™ also uses Google and modern social media, but is preparing for a time “after”. Google and Facebook will be politically forced to cleanse data on a massive scale and rewrite terms of use on the topic of “Hatespeech” to reflect the reality of “Israel”.
Ephraim Media Truth™ is a “lawyer of truth” for the community of heirs of Jacob and publishes facts that are to be used as witnesses in court and works with the media platform https://ephraim.info in cooperation with DreamStream LLC, on a completely independent community app, exclusively with a Zion version and Torah Empowered.
2. Ephraim – Certificate
With the notification of life, an individual Ephraim certificate can be ordered, which distinguishes the named owner as part of the people of Israel and can be used at authorities and offices.
Ephraim Media Truth™ has the exclusive right to issue these certificates and pays 10% of the sales price to © Ephraim.
3. License “EPHI Center”
If required, Ephraim Media Truth™ will issue an “EPHI Center” license, which allows each property owner and/or tenant to report his premises as the official address of “Community of heirs Jacob” with Google Maps business listing.
4. License “Final Settlement Judgment”
The Ephraim Media Truth License™ “Final Settlement Judgment” is the right as Ephraim Media Truth Publisher™ to grant one editorial license “Foundation Package” (997 Euro) and three reporter licenses “Reporter Kid” (3*297) to create Ephraim Media Truth content as a professional team.
The “Final Settlement Judgment” license is bound to one (1) specific judgment and its expected financial return and is exclusive.
A Final Settlement License costs 4997 Euro and entitles to purchase Truth Bonds.
5. License “Truth Bond”
The Truth Bond is an original document converted into a negotiable security with relevant personal data in connection with the “Jacob in Jerusalem Case”, equipped with an Ephraim Media Truth user license for “Truth Reporter” and can be purchased exclusively at https://israelshop.com.
The Ephraim Media Truth Reporter™ works according to the instructions in Luke 12.2+3
But there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing secret that will not be known. Therefore, what you say in darkness, that will be heard in the light; and what you whisper in your ears in the chambers, that will be proclaimed on the housetops.
Every original document is a part of a true and exclusive story that has its origin and end in Jerusalem and must be told truthfully. The reporter makes a covenant with the truth – hence “Truth Bond”.
Until March 29, 2018, the “Ephraim Story” had a total value of $1.65 billion, which increased significantly in 2019 and was divided into 100 Final Settlement Judgments after the Final Judgment of the Apocalypse of August 24, 2018-9/6, 2018.
All 100 persons on whom a Final Settlement judgment has been rendered are listed on https://Zion5777.com/endgericht. Truth Bonds are drawn on a specific judgment and cost 1% of the desired participation, minimum 100 Euro for 10,000 Euro “End of Story” premium, 1000 Euro for 100,000 Euro “End of Story” premium.
The End of Story amount will be paid out when the judgment is executed, whereby the content and Truth Reports will be decisive for success.
6. License “Truth Reporter”
Ephraim Media Truth™ is dedicated to the business with “the truth” and grants “Truth Reporter” licenses to members of the community of heirs of Jacob, who want to produce relevant and topic-related reports for our growing community and subordinate themselves to an editorial standard.
For a one-time fee of 297 euros, the Truth Reporter receives an official 5777.com media cap (uniforms) and a press card.
The owner of a “Truth Reporter” license is entitled to purchase “Truth Bonds”. “Truth Reporters” receive a fee for creating content according to editorial standards, which is determined per Truth Bond.
7. License “Truth Foundation
The “Truth Foundation” license includes the benefits of the “Truth Reporter” license plus:
● All five books published to date, worth over 300 euros, are delivered
● The Truth Foundation license entitles the holder to purchase Truth Bonds and to pass them on to Truth Reporters.
● The Truth Foundation License is an editorial license
● The Truth Foundation License entitles you to recruit and employ Truth Reporters
The Truth Foundation license can be purchased both at https://IsraelShop.com and https://Zion5777.com.
8. “Witness – Court Bond” License
In every court there is a need for witnesses who can report on a case. The license “Witness – Court Bond” is an original document converted into a negotiable security which has been used by the priest according to the Melchizedek order for the last 5 years and is stamped, dated and signed with the SANTA SEDE stamp and is an evidence with personal data for the actual and real final court in the Jerusalem court.
With the purchase of the document, the buyer is a “witness” with a “Court Bond”, which gives the carrier a share of the final financial gain with the conclusion of the court case.
7. Disclaimer of Liability
Ephraim Media Truth™ makes use of digital technologies that contain hidden dangers, e.g. computer viruses, hacker attacks and identity theft, against which we seek to protect ourselves like any other user of these technologies in any form.
Despite the greatest security precautions, attacks on our infrastructure and resources have occurred and continue to occur, and we therefore exclude any liability for the use of our websites in any respect.
We also cannot accept any liability whatsoever for the services of third parties, including explicitly the Big Five – Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Microsoft, whose products and services bind every online user to terms of use, some of which violate the terms and conditions of the Jacob’s Community of Heirs (“the Bible”), which has led to significant violations of the freedoms and rights of countless individuals from the Jacob’s Community of Heirs.
Ephraim Media Truth™ excludes any liability for the published and proven truth and its consequences on property, body and life of affected persons.
Each individual of the community of heirs of Jacob, Ephraim Media Truth licensees, employees, partners, investors, sponsors, editors, publishers and other users of Ephraim Media Truth content and technology is liable for his own damages caused by his own actions, also on behalf of third parties.
8. Conciliation office
Ulf Diebel © Ephraim, priest according to the order of Melchizedek, or one of the duly appointed elders and/or local leaders, is arbitrator in all matters of the community of Jacob’s heirs, explicitly in disputes among individuals from the community of Jacob’s heirs.
Place of jurisdiction
Mount Zion, Jerusalem, Israel